UNDIP Doctoral Program In Social Science Offers Two Concentrations: Politics and Business Administration

Posted by webadmin

September 14, 2021

SEMARANG – Doctoral Program in Social Science (DIS) Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro (UNDIP) offers two concentrations of study, namely Politics and Business Administration for its students. The DIS Study Program, in addition to having obtained an A Accreditation from BAN-PT (National Accreditation Board for Higher Education), is also supported by teaching staff consisting of several professors and doctoral qualified lecturers who have relevant experience in the subjects they are teaching.

The Head of FISIP Undip Doctoral program in Social Science, Yuwanto PhD, said that currently, the study program he leads has 14 lecturers, of which 4 are already professors, while 8 others have doctoral educational qualifications. “The Human Resource we have is more than what is required. That way, we hope that the program can run optimally,” said Yuwanto, Monday (13/9/2021).

According to him, the four professors referred to are home base lecturers. It is because, in practice, the number of active professors in the DIS Program is six lecturers, namely Prof. Budi Setiyono Ph.D.; Prof. Sudharto P. Hadi, Ph.D.; Prof. Dr. Endang Larasati; Prof. Dr. Naili Farida; Prof. Nurdien H. Kistanto, Ph.D.; and Prof. Dr. Ari Pradhanawati. Along with the doctoral qualified lecturers, the professors accompany the students intensely to explore, study and conduct research on various social problems in the realm of political science and business administration concentrations.

Yuwanto admitted that in addition to accreditation and lecturers with professor qualifications, the program organizer also needs the support of foreign lecturers as guest lecturers to broaden the academic horizons of students and increase the international networks. Therefore, supported by the Faculty, University, the International Office and the Ranking Office, his party continues to collaborate with several universities abroad.

Undip FISIP DIS study program which was born in 2012 is now starting to show its performance. The number of study enthusiasts continues to increase from time to time, so the admission schedule is arranged to suit the conditions of prospective students, most of whom are professionals.

As of September 6, Undip DIS opens up the registration for prospective new students for the Even Semester Batch I of the 2021 Academic Year. The registration is carried out online, and Batch I will be closed on November 8, 2021. While the selection exam will be held on November 14, and the results will be announced on November 19, 2021.

The history of the Undip Doctoral Program in Social Sciences began with the issuance of a letter signed by the Director-General of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Number: 94/E/T/2012 dated January 17, 2012, which gave an assignment to Universitas Diponegoro to organize a Social Science Study Program (S3). The assignment was then strengthened by the Universitas Diponegoro Rector’s Decree of Number: 555/SK/UN/2012 dated September 10, 2012, so that the Social Sciences Doctoral Program (DIS) FISIP Undip was established and has concentrations on political science studies and business administration studies.

Yuwanto stated that in the last three years the trend of the number of students has increased around 45% each year. “Students interests to study here has steadily increased in the last two years,”

He decided to keep developing the Undip DIS program in maximum by entering the global level which is in accordance with the program planned by Undip, under the leadership of Undip’s Rector, Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, S.H., M.Hum. to be an excellent research University in a global level (World Class University). “the DIS study program is expected to be excellent in science, research, and social problems solving that are creative, original, and tested for the benefit of the mankind that is recognized nationally and internationally,” he said. (PR Team)


Source: undip.ac.id

Posted by webadmin

September 14, 2021