Curriculum (by Course)
Doctor of Social Science
Doctoral Program in Social Sciences, is the right place to increase your insight, knowledge and skills. This program has a concentration in Political Science and Business Administration. The Doctoral Program in Social Sciences has two learning methods.
by Course
Students are required to attend classes based on the applied curriculum
By Course
I Semester
No. | Course Code | Course | Credits |
1. | PSDS9001 |
Teori-Teori Ilmu Sosial Theories of Social Science |
3 |
2. | PSDS9002 |
Isu-Isu Kritis Ilmu Sosial Critical Issues in Social Science |
2 |
3. | PSDS9003 |
Metodologi Penelitian Sosial Social Research Methods |
3 |
4. | LSDS9004 |
Teknik Penulisan Artikel Writing Techniques for Scientific Article |
2 |
Total | 10 |
II Semester
No. | Course Code | Course | Credits |
1. | PSDS9005 |
Seminar Kapita Selekta Capita Selecta Seminar |
2 |
2. | PSDS9006 |
Seminar Rancangan Penelitian Research Proposal Seminar |
3 |
Total | 5 |
III Semester
No. | Course Code | Course | Credits |
1. | PSDS9007 |
Review Literatur Literature Review |
2 |
1. | PSDS9008 |
Publikasi Ilmiah Nasional National Scientific Publication |
3 |
2. | PSDS9009 |
Seminar Proposal Disertasi Dissertation Proposal Seminar |
3 |
Total | 8 |
IV Semester
No. | Course Code | Course | Credits |
1. | PSDS9010 |
Seminar Hasil Penelitian Disertasi Dissertation Research Results Seminar |
3 |
Total | 3 |
V Semester
No. | Course Code | Course | Credits |
1. | PSDS9011 |
Seminar Kelayakan Naskah Disertasi Dissertation Defense Seminar |
3 |
2. | PSDS9012 |
Publikasi Ilmiah Internasional International Scientific Publication |
7 |
Total | 10 |
VI Semester
No. | Course Code | Course | Credits |
1. | PSDS9013 |
Disertasi Dissertation |
6 |
Total | 6 |
Cumulative Number of Credits |
42 |
By Research
Class attendance is not required but students shall attend intensive supervising by promoter and co-promoter based on the agreed schedule. Other than that, students are also obliged to have published articles in 3 (three) accredited journals and 1 (one) international scientific journal.
Campus Facilities
Doctor of Social Science
Your comfort and success in learning is our priority. In order to support the success of learning in the Doctoral Program in Social Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro, the DIS Program is equipped with complete infrastructure. From hybrid classes to open spaces for students.