Doctor of Social Science
The Doctor of Social Science program opens up new student admission twice a year for domestic and international students
The Independent Selection/Exam for Postgraduate (S3) program is held in an integrated manner in the Independent Selection registration system managed by the Education Quality Assurance and Development Institute (LP2MP) of Universitas Diponegoro.
How to Apply
Participants are required to make an account with their emails > CLICK HERE
Select UM S2 / UM S3 / UM PROFESI
Make a payment for the registration fee at the designated bank (BNI, BRI, BTN,
Participants are required to upload their files in pdf format
Participants are required to print their test cards out
Participants will take the test online
Exam Materials
- Scholastic Potential Test (TPS): Verbal, Numerical, and Logic;
- English Test : Reading and Structure
- Scientific Substance Test (in the form of an online interview / written test by the study program)
New student admission calendar for Postgraduate Doctoral Program in Social Science for Even Semester Batch 2
Online Registration:
November 28, 2022 – January 9, 2023
Written Selection test (online):
January 15, 2023 ( Academic Potential Test at 07:30-10:00 GMT+7 and English Test at 10:30-12:00 GMT+7)
Study Program Interview Selection Test
January 15 – 17, 2023 (Schedule will be announced later)
Academic Selection Announcement
January 24, 2023
Registration Fee for Doctoral Program
Rp. 1.000.000
Notes: All paid registration fees are non-refundable for any reason.
Requirements to join the doctoral program
- Graduates of accredited universities
- Minimum GPA of 3.0
- Degree certificate and academic transcripts of accredited B S1 (Bachelor) and S2 (Postgraduate) (overseas graduates must have a degree certificate equivalent to the Directorate General of Higher Education)
- Permission letter from work institution/agencies to continue doctoral studies, for those who are already working (format available)
- Statement of ability to complete the study (format available)
- Certificate of guarantee for payment of tuition fees (stamped 10000) (format available)
Additional Terms
Additional terms to join the doctoral program
- Graduates: Master level study program (S2) from an accredited institution, with a minimum GPA of 3 (scale 1-4) as evidenced by legalized academic transcripts
- Certificate of guarantee for payment of tuition fees (Personal/Agency/Sponsor) on stamped paper
- Submit a research proposal for a dissertation of at least 3 pages, which includes background, subject matter to be researched, and research methods
- Recommendations from senior lecturers at the institution where you have studied or other parties who can provide references for prospective students
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