Drs. A. Taufiq, M.Si., Obituary

Drs. A. Taufiq, M.Si., Obituary

Segenap Civitas Akademika Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Diponegoro turut berduka cita atas wafatnya Drs. A. Taufiq, M.Si.,  Semoga almarhum diampuni segala kesalahan serta diterima semua amal ibadahnya  oleh Allah SWT. dan semoga keluarga yang...

The 1st School of Democracy Diponegoro University and LP3ES

The 1st School of Democracy Diponegoro University and LP3ES

Government Study Program, Diponegoro University and the Institute for Education Research and Economic and Social Information (LP3ES) opened the second batch of democratic schools. This democratic school will be held for two weeks from 16 August to 29 August 2020....