Drs. A. Taufiq, M.Si., Obituary
Segenap Civitas Akademika Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Diponegoro turut berduka cita atas wafatnya Drs. A. Taufiq, M.Si., Semoga almarhum diampuni segala kesalahan serta diterima semua amal ibadahnya oleh Allah SWT. dan semoga keluarga yang...
Happy Labor Day
May 1, 2023
Government Study Program Conducted School of Democracy in Leiden, the Netherlands
Money politics in the implementation of elections in Indonesia is a problem that continues to surface. Therefore, reform of the electoral system is seen as the most urgent agenda to tackle money politics. This was raised at the Democracy School which lasted for 3 days...
The 1st School of Democracy Diponegoro University and LP3ES
Government Study Program, Diponegoro University and the Institute for Education Research and Economic and Social Information (LP3ES) opened the second batch of democratic schools. This democratic school will be held for two weeks from 16 August to 29 August 2020....
Two Undip lecturers to Graduate from Science Leadership Collaborative
Jakarta, March 30, 2023 – Two Universitas Diponegoro lecturers, Ni Kadek Dita Cahyani and Laila Kholid Alfirdaus, became two of 27 Indonesian researchers who successfully completed a nine-month world-class scientific leadership development program by The Conversation...
Enhancing the Health of the Academic Community, FISIP Undip Promotes Healthy Campus Program
Semarang (2/17) The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of Universitas Diponegoro has just conducted several Healthy Campus programs, namely FISIP Bergerak and Rikkes (Free Medical Check-up) in collaboration with Kimia Farma. The agenda of the FISIP Bergerak this...
Contributing to Overcoming Floods, UNDIP Planted 7,500 Randu Trees at KHDTK Wanadipa Penggaron
Semarang – Central Java (31/1). Diponegoro University (Undip) held a joint tree planting activity between Diponegoro University, Perum Perhutani, the Environment and Forestry Service, and the Central Java Beekeeping Association (PPJT) on Tuesday, January 31, 2023, in...
Faculty Graduation Ceremony for February 2023 Period – FISIP UNDIP
Faculty Graduation Ceremony for February 2023 Period – FISIP UNDIP