Online Registration Guidelines for Post Graduate and Profession UM (Ujian Mandiri)
  1. Do ‘get pin‘ registration. The result of get pin registration is the pin number which will be used as bill key to pay the tuition fee in Mandiri, BTN and BNI ’46.
  2. Proceed to pay the admission fee through multi payment method in Mandiri (through internet banking, ATM and Teller) BNI’ 46 (through Teller and ATM) or BTN (through teller). The payment procedure can be seen on >>> payment procedure
  3.  Filling the form. This registration can be done directly after doing the payment procedures in the Bank (real time). The form registration cannot be done if the ‘get pin’ registration (point 1) and the payment procedure (point 2) has not yet been done. In this phase, applicant shall fill the registration form.
    • Insert the pin number and password which attained from the Point 1 registration
    • Filling the form for file completeness. Please fill the form completely with the required data, please verify your data before clicking “register” (on the final tabulation). After clicking ‘register’ your number of entrance exam will be displayed and your exam room as well as menu to print the exam participation card which will be used later on the verification process.
    • Printing the card. You may print it right away and save it. Printing your card can only be done after the data required on the registration form are filled. Please ensure that the data filled are true including your choice of major or study program. After filling the entrance exam participant card, you cannot edit the data that you have filled.
  4. Attending the written exam (TPA, English, Interview and or/Written Exam) and submit the required documents from each study program.
  5. Important things to be noted:
  • Please prepare a scanned photo in JPG/JPEG (uk. 30-100 kb) format.
  • Diploma data including degree and date of graduation (date/month/year)
  • Curriculum vitae to fill the registration form
  • Ensure the safety of every data and please do not forget to print the entrance exam participant card
  • The registration files can be submitted to the Master and Doctoral Program through postal service with their respective dates or through the committee of UM from University. As for Specialized Doctor Program participant shall submit their registration files themselves (cannot be delegated). The submitted files are based on the requirements listed on the website (the required files can be downloaded after attaining your PIN)
  • There will be verification during exam, participants will be asked to show their last diploma and transcript to the invigilator.